I'm all for this front page in today's Sunday Mirror. Obviously they are a Labour supporting paper (unlike all the other main ones), but l like the cut of their jib.
Never vote Tory.
Toodle pip
Booze, news and views from a drunken opinionated fool who can't spell very well, may well repeat himself, and can't blame it on dislexia
I'm all for this front page in today's Sunday Mirror. Obviously they are a Labour supporting paper (unlike all the other main ones), but l like the cut of their jib.
Never vote Tory.
Toodle pip
These have just arrived through my letter box for Thursday's election. However, l think their leafleting in this case is highly optimistic, as l will 100% be voting for Labour.
Other options are available, but never vote Tory (or Reform).
This was my view last Tuesday while lying in my garden, reading and absorbing some rays. It already seems like a lifetime ago as the sun appears to have legged it for the foreseeable future.
I blame God (and The Tories).
Once again the man of the people shows how out of touch he is. I'm a semi functioning pisshead who has spent many many hours in pubs, and l have never ever seen anyone drink a pint of water like this. Where the hell were his advisors?
Never vote Tory.
Toodle pipThis postman is being factually correct, is helping to educate the people on his round, and pissing off Nigel Farage, all at the same time. Well played sir. He deserves a medal.
Never vote Tory (or Reform).
Apart from the first half hour in the first game, England, as expected by myself and my cynical friends, have been crap and too defensive. Hopefully things can only get better, but l can see us getting knocked out by Italy. Let's pray Gareth Southgate never becomes the Manchester United manager.
Toodle pip
I can't believe Mozart looked like this, as I'm sure l saw this guy in Coronation Street.
I've always thought that they should test the people doing these reconstructions by giving them unidentified skulls of people that we also know what they looked like, and compare the results afterwards. That will soon whittle out the chancers.
UKIP, Reform or National Front - that's when it can truly be stated that all parties are the same as each other.
Toodle pipI've had some Jackdaws nesting outside my bedroom window for the last few years, as they made a hole in the woodwork under my guttering and set up home there. Despite the noise from them early in the morning, l like birds and don't mind them being there. Now their mates (or family) have demolished the other end by completely pulling off the wood and have set up home there as well. The cheeky little gits. I know at some stage l am going to have to get all of this replaced, but l will be leaving the bill for it in their respective nests.
I really hope these polls come true. I'II have all my fingers crossed until it's over.
Never vote Tory.
Toodle pip
Well this message from Donald Trump Jr didn't have the effect it desired.
I've had both of these posters for a while, but it's about time l framed them and hung them up. I am however, running out of spaces to hang things.
Once again, l need more money (and a bigger house). These are currently for sale, and l want them! However, even l can't justify spending that much on records, which let's face it, l already own (but later versions).
Kate Moss is obviously an attractive woman, but this isn't a patch on the original, and highlights how extra specially (is that correct?) photogenic Marilyn Monroe was, although Kate Moss is also pretty photogenic herself.
The Chef Gordon Ramsey has been in an accident while riding his bicycle. All part of normal life, and he has been promoting wearing helmets to avoid serious injury. I wasn't however, expecting the severity of his bruising. I bet that was painful.
Toodle pip
What should have been on her sign, although they missed out 'Racist' and 'Full of Shite'.
Toodle pipAs fascism once again rears it's ugly head, a reminder that our Royal Family are of German heritage and Edward VIII was a fan of Hitler.
Toodle pipThese are mates of mine playing their first gig back in the mists of time after booting me out and getting a new singer (Bastards!!).
Might have had something to do with the fact l couldn't sing, but l certainly looked the part at the time. Two of the people in this photo latter went on to be high ranking policemen.
Toodle pip