When out and about yesterday, we were talking about the high cost of concert tickets and what artists could do about it. This was referring to the superstars who have already made their millions making a stand and charging a lot less so poorer fans could attend, and Bruce 'Man of the blue collar workers' Springsteen was mentioned in dispatches. I gave the example of Marc Bolan doing shows for cheap so that younger fans could attend, which was a great idea and made the younger fans love him even more. He also backed it up by refusing to play Sheffield when they charged extra, and here's a cutting referencing it to prove l am not going mad(der). The trouble is, as long as fans are prepared to pay the extortionate prices. they will keep putting the prices up. Our Bank Holiday drinking crew would have gone to see the likes of The Eagles, Billie Eilish and Taylor Swift, the way we used to go and see Adam and the Ants, Culture Club, Madonna and Frankie Goes to Hollywood, let alone Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan and The Rolling Stones. Not any more.

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