Saturday 12 October 2024

the times and sunday times does comedy

 I actually thought this was a spoof at first.  What's happened to most of our press?#

# Oh yes - offshore billionaire owners who want to protect their interests while pretending they care about the country.

And remember....

Toodle pip

boris johnson - a reminder

As the lying grifter peddles his latest work of fiction, never forget what he is at heart, and the consequences of handing him power.

Toodle pip

ken dodd joins the cure

What a glorious day to see a picture of Ken Dodd as a member of The Cure.  However, once seen, never forgotten, and l'm speaking as a fan of both.

Toodle pip

Primal Scream - Ready To Go Home (Official Video)

And I'm back again!!

After much Birthday celebrations and my internet going down, it's now back to life being as close to normal as l can manage. To celebrate, here's the Northern Lights at what l know as Bootle Beach a couple of nights ago.

Toodle pip

Wednesday 28 August 2024

XC-NN - Looking Forward

I preferred the earlier CNN single version of this before they had to change their name, but it's still a fabulous racket even all these years later. Should have been a bigger success.

Toodle pip

catterick garrison roundabout's trains

I live not far from Catterick Garrison roundabout, and the top picture is what it presently looks like. However, at one time, it used to have trains going through the middle of it (obviously on tracks). Not many small roundabouts have that claim to fame. it would be a nightmare these days with the amount of traffic it currently accommodates.

Toodle pip

become a grass for south yorkshire police

South Yorkshire police are looking for grasses. What usually happens is people report their fellow neighbours for earning a little extra money for doing tax free work while claiming benefits, rather than the rich being punished for their law breaking, as it's a different set of rules for them. Obviously I would never condone such behaviour, but for those thinking of responding, l have an example.

Toodle pip

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Bruce Springsteen - The fever KLOL Radio 1974

Something That You Got - Bruce Springsteen (9-03-1974 Radio Station KLOL)

liam gallagher on paul mccartney

 As Oasis reform (or Liam and Noel at least), here's a great quote from Liam Gallagher.

Toodle pip

liz truss - worse than you think

In news that will surprise no-one, apparently Liz Truss considered cutting Cancer Care to fund tax cuts after her and Kwasi Kwarteng's disastrous budget. I actually think she may have a mental problem of some sort (although she's being richly compensated).

Toodle pip

Monday 26 August 2024

what's happened to the epstein files?

 A reminder that it's been a while since Jeffrey Epstein was imprisoned and 'Took his own life', and to date, the only person being punished is Giselle Maxwell. It's about time the guilty sex offenders who took advantage of the young girls were bought to court. Then again, it's not exactly earth shattering news that being rich and powerful (shout out to Prince Andrew here) can head off lawsuits that the likes of myself would have no chance of defending.

Toodle pip

Sunday 25 August 2024

astrology debunked in the new scientist

 In news that will surprise no-one, The New Scientist debunk Astrology.  My flabber is gasted.                         


Toodle pip

modern life and me

 This nails exactly how l feel about most current celebrity news. Then again, l'm very very old.

Toodle pip

Saturday 24 August 2024

Big Country - In A Big Country (With Lyrics)

Big Country at Glasgow Barrowlands 1983 - Fields Of Fire

manchester united's return to old trafford after the war

On this day, Manchester United's first game back at Old Trafford after The Second World war. What The Premiership publicity machinery overlooks most of the time is that the appeal of football is mainly about it's history.

Toodle pip

the kennedy family press statement

 More of this please.

Toodle pip

irregular immigrants

Once again, Toby Young and Boris Johnson prove to the general public that they are lying manipulative dickheads. The government under (surprise surprise) Boris Johnson were using this language years ago.

 Toodle pip

Humpy Bong (Tim Staffel) - Don't You Be Too Long | 2023 Stereo Upmix

another 'save our kids' knobhead

Some things are beyond parody.


Toodle pip

idiots trying to blame the wrong people

Forgive me if l am stating the bleeding obvious, but hasn't Robert Jenrick and his party just been in power for the last 14 years, causing most of the problems?

And in other news, the fuckwit that goes by the name of Jeremy Clarkson tries to blame Keir Starmer (who's been in office for 6 / 7 weeks) for the plight of the farmers. Nothing to do with the 14 years of Conservative rule or Brexit of course. Knobheads. No wonder l drink.

Toodle pip

protect our children - coldwarsteve

Another classic from coldwarsteve. Love the diminutive Tommy Robinson. 

Toodle pip

Friday 23 August 2024

car on fire outside the pub

A bit of excitement this evening as a car caught fire just up from the pub. The flames were pretty impressive at one time and everyone got out safely, so all well and good. It looks like the car l drive at work but thankfully it isn't. Certainly livened up the evening.

Toodle pip

jobs under democrats

More of this please


Toodle pip

not the brightest spark

 Not the brightest spark, but most definitely the biggest tool (and not in the flattering way).

Toodle pip

the road trip from hell

 Christ on a bike!  Talk about a road trip from hell! Years ago l would have enjoyed their company, but certainly not now. It also reminds me to buy some new shirts, get my hair cut, and have a shave.

Toodle pip

trump - is she talking about me?

 Yes she most certainly is you thick orange faced buffoon.

Toodle pip

Lissy Trullie & Adam Green - Just A Friend

Wednesday 21 August 2024

nigel farge and andrew tate

Nigel Farage sure hangs around and respects some dodgy characters. Farage obviously does not mind immigrants charged with sex trafficking and rape, as long as they are not black, despite his so called concern for women and girls. I certainly wouldn't have expected that from the lying, grifting, piss taking racist. Stop the Boats my arse.

Toodle pip

Tuesday 20 August 2024

my friends son - the model

Saw this advert earlier today and had to have a second look, as much to my surprise, it features my friends son. I only saw both of them at the weekend and nothing was mentioned, but if he makes his fortune in the modelling world, l hope he remembers his poor old uncle.

Toodle pip

The Beach Boys sing "99 Problems" by Jay-Z

Monday 19 August 2024

alien trump roswell cartoon

 This would explain a lot to my jaded eyes.

Toodle pip

Sunday 18 August 2024

a dodgy looking gram parson bootleg

 I'm a fan of bootleg lps and obviously have a few of them lying around, although it is definitely a case of buyer beware as some can be atrocious. I don't know about the sound quality on this one, but it does not bode well if they can't even get Gram Parson's name right on the cover.

Toodle pip

Violent Femmes - Gone Daddy Gone

Saturday 17 August 2024

nigel farage - man of the people

 A grifter who has managed to get others to pay for trips such as an all expenses USA excursion to the tune of £32,000 'To see a friend and represent Clacton'. He must be pissing himself with joy at peoples stupidity.

Toodle pip

stop the season now

I can't imagine it getting any better than this during the oncoming season

Toodle pip

Friday 16 August 2024

keyboard warrior jailed

This was delightful to read.  More please. 

Toodle pip

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Creep (Radiohead) - Honky Tonk Edition

Johnny Cash - Barbie Girl (A.I. Cover by There I Ruined it) Restoration

I'm Back!!

 My laptop buggered up and l don't want to do this on my phone or kindle, but l've just got a new laptop and am currently setting it up.  Hurrah!

Toodle pip

Tuesday 16 July 2024

trump's ear dressing

I'm no expert, but l have had to administer First Aid and I am trained to do so, but that monstrosity on Donald Trump's ear has not been applied by a Health Professional, and is obviously for show. Who would have predicted he would try and milk the injury for all it's worth? It's so unlike him.

Toodle pip