Saturday 9 March 2019

the lost bob dylan cds

After erecting (fnaar) some new shelves in the spare room to house a load of CDs and tidy the place up a bit, l realised l was missing a substantial amount by Bob Dylan.  I would normally assume my brother nicked them when staying over, but he's not a fan of his Bobness. It took me ages to locate them amongst all my other crap, but luckily l did, as  I'm pleased to report there's plenty of gems amongst them.
Yes l do realise l have too many and l will never get around to playing them all again before l die, but l like having them as pieces of art as well, and they are there when l do want to play them.
I just need a bigger house, and l don't need reminding l'm a sad git.
The shelves look pretty good as well!

toodle pip

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