Saturday 1 September 2012

wartime bombing and the munich bomb



Burning bodies in Dresden


The above photographs are from 1945, and show some of the aftermath of bombing raids over Germany during the war.  Nowadays, you can't imagine what it must have been like to have bombs dropped on you on a regular basis, and it's also amazing that the flattened cities were rebuilt so quickly, when you think of all of the work that must have been involved.  It must have taken ages just moving all of the rubble and demolishing unsafe buildings.  This also applies to English cities as well, and l remember lots of bombed out places when l was a kid in Liverpool. 

To give an idea of what it must have been like, a war time bomb was discovered in Munich this week, and the safest way to get rid of it was to detonate it.  The video demonstrates how powerful just one bomb could be, let alone a whole bombing raid.

We have got it soooooo easy.

toodle pip

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