Tuesday 26 June 2012

anne frank - the diary of a young girl

Read while l was taking my extra long bath yesterday, this was pretty much what l expected, after all, although Anne Frank was bright, she was still a young girl trapped in hiding, had been persecuted as a Jew, and l knew what was going on in the war and the ending of the diary before l started.
It was interesting because of the ending hanging over it and some of the period details (in both senses), but there was too much moaning about her mother and the others in the hiding place, and waaaaaay too much pining for Peter and the attic.  If she was going to get caught by the Nazis anyway, they could have done it earlier, and l'd have been spared a lot of the teenage lust and devotion in the second half of the book. I could also have got out of the bath earlier, instead of boiling and cooking all my insides, and everyone would have been a winner.
That's obviously a joke, so don't bother with emailing me and telling me it is in bad taste, because l won't be bothered. Anyway - l blame God.

toodle pip

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