Monday 16 January 2012

ideal - two series back to back

Over Christmas and the New Year, l've put the hours in and really got into Ideal, watching two series more or less back to back, therefore getting to know the characters pretty damn quickly. I love Johnny Vegas anyway, but to me, the characters of Cartoon Head and Psycho Paul are superb, as (rather sadly), l either know characters like them, or can relate to the humour of them

"Psycho Paul doesn't do Relate" (done in a menacing accent).

Now l have made another burden for myself, as l now have even more TV to watch, due to the fact there's loads more series of Ideal that l have yet to see.
I don't know if that's great news or depressing, after all, l'm an old man and l haven't got time for new experiences (although l will make exceptions for certain things - call my mobile).

toodle pip 

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