Showing posts with label getting fit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label getting fit. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 January 2018

new years fitness regime with ozzy osbourne

I went to read a second hand copy of Ozzy Osbourne's 'I am Ozzy' a couple of weeks ago, and this fell out of it. Somebody's fitness regime for the New Year in 2012. The places they describe are very close to where l live, so l might even know the person who wrote it, and I'm curious to know whether they stuck to it.
I think l left my fitness regime in the pub

Image result for am ozzy paperback

toodle pip

Friday 7 January 2011

back to work and a normal life with exercise

Back to work tomorrow/today after the nice long break this week. Can't say l am looking forward to it, bound to be loads of work to do and l also know l have to go to a meeting at Northallerton hospital tomorrow. l am sure there will be problems to solve as soon as l walk through the door in the morning until l leave in the evening (it's also a long day at work tomorrow - 12 hours).

Time to stop eating and drinking so much, and get back to a normal life. I may even take up some exercise like the chappie above (but l doubt it). At present, l am waiting for a new computer to arrive, so l will be sitting on my lazy fat arse in front of that in the next few days (hopefully).

Ah well, Manchester United v Liverpool at the weekend to look ahead to. Praise the Lord there's always football.

toodle pip

toodle pip

Wednesday 26 August 2009

working out

Soon be time to set off to Turkey - at the weekend no less. As we have all rented a villa with a swimming pool, an extra special effort has been put in to look good around it. It hasn't worked out quite as planned and l think we will look the same as usual (see above photos). What has happened to our youth forchristsake??
l guess we will just have to drink more (if that's possible) to convince ourselves we are still cool. So it's not all bad news then.

toodle pip