Tuesday 30 July 2013

wonder - r.j palacio

Read on Sunday while chilling out a bit in Nunthorpe, R.J Palacio's 'Wonder' stars a young boy narrator called August, who goes to school for the first time, as he had previously been home taught by his mother. He then has to fit in at middle school and make friends, while feeling like he is an outsider, and not like everyone else.
You may think there is nothing strange in that, but there is something else, and no, he is not a vampire (for a bleeding change).
He does however, have a badly disfigured face, which he does not describe himself as 'whatever you can imagine - it's worse' (although other narrators do).
There was a part with the family dog that made me cry, and the book was well written and engaging, but l thought slightly too sentimental and life affirming in parts, despite some cruelties. Then again, it's probably aimed that way to teach children a lesson about kindness.
Still well worth a read, and l wouldn't be surprised to see it made as a film.

Wow, got through all of that without once referring to Mark Haddon's 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time'

toodle pip

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