Saturday 26 November 2011

my uncle ray - l love the man

While l was prating about on the internet today, l came across a picture of my uncle Ray and his wife (Maria) with one of their sons (they have three), Gary, (and his own family). It was really good to stumble upon this, as Ray was a star when l was younger, taking me to see Manchester United as soon as l showed any kind of interest in football (he supported them already, even though he had lived in Liverpool all his life). This was back in the mid 1960's, so it was before the glorious night of Wembley 1968 and all that went afterwards, and he was also like a surrogate father to me, as my own one was often a insensitive bastard when l was a kid. He still lives in Liverpool, we both still follow Manchester United, and l can't thank him enough for what he did for me. Even though l had to suffer the 1970's and 1980's with Liverpool winning everything, it was still worth it (especially in the last decade or so). Ray - you were (and still are) a star.

toodle pip

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