Friday 29 April 2011


I must be one of the last people left who had not seen Avatar, but l rectified that anomaly a couple of days ago. l had been putting it off as it was just soooo long, and it turned out that it was too long for my liking. l feel as though a lot of it was padded out just to show off the 3D effects in the cinema, and l do regret not going to see it at the cinema in all it's 3D glory, but even so. At one stage, l thought it was about to finish, checked the Sky+ box and discovered there was still an hour left. DAMN!!!!!!!
Otherwise, it was OK, but too obvious from the start. It came as no surprise that the avatar decided to fight for the forest people, fall in love, gain acceptance, fight the baddie military man in his robotic fighting suit etc. I also disliked the robotic fighting suit at the end , as it reminded me of the one at the end of District 9 (and l thought that spoiled the end of that film). If l want to watch large robotic fights, l will go and watch something like Transformers, but l am not twelve and a half (despite all evidence to the contrary)
Still, glad l have eventually seen it so l can now participate when other people rave on about it, even if it is only to argue with them and slag it off.

toodle pip

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