Thursday 20 January 2011

a fine day off work

As detailed in the posts below, l have been off work today and spent most of it sitting around watching films, some good, some not so good. I have also been downloading music, reading, and sorting out some books (no wonder l am so exhausted). it's the Rook Meisters birthday today, so we are off round to his house for some food and drink about 7pm (but rather sadly, l have work in the morning). l was meant to be going to work today, but am still feeling the after affects of a cold/flu/pneumonia, so l took annual leave and had the day off. Things aren't too bad at the moment, as although l still have loads of work to do, l should be off Saturday for Kerries birthday meal (although l still have to sort that out), then Sunday and Monday. I will probably need another rest after going in tomorrow.

toodle pip

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