Monday 1 November 2010

halloween magic

Just spent the evening hiding behind the settee to avoid having to give the young kiddies some sweeties, but they are about the only things l am scared of, apart from spiders (and l mean the sweetie hunting kiddies, not the sweets themselves).
l was talking to the FPO earlier and said that, although l don't believe in ghosts, if l thought l saw one coming towards me, l would put out my hand and try to pass it through it, even if l got a bit scared at the time. It's a bit like heights. l go up tall things and mess about, but l still have a slightly worried feeling about it, l just overcome it, so l can experience more (and overcome my pathetic mind). l would do the same with a (so called) ghost (although heights are real, ghosts are not).
l also think that if l did think l was seeing a ghost, l would be convinced it was just my (pathetic) mind trying to play tricks on me. Bloody stupid thing, l will have to get it removed, but where do you start? ls the mind just contained in the brain? The possibilities are endless and it is getting late, so l will leave that argument for another time.
l do despise people who take advantage of sad gits and pretend they are communicating with the dead as in " He wants to talk to you and say everything is OK, but it's not a clear line" sort of brigade. lf they could really produce a real talking skull, l would be first in line.
l do like the old posters though.

toodle pip

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