Friday 2 April 2010

nozzer's return and back to work

I am glad to say little Nozzer has come back from the vets and he has survived another operation on his cheek. He is still a bit subdued, but a lot better than yesterday, and as is plainly visible from the before and after pictures above, looking a lot worse for wear. He has to go back on Wednesday, and at the moment he has a pellet in his cheek, plus he has to have antibiotics until his return to the vets. At least he is back home, I was a bit worried something might go wrong this time, and let's face it, like his daddy, he is no longer a spring chicken (think he is about seven years old). It did say however (in the Observer giveaway about small animals), that rabbits can live to about twelve years old. Let's hope so.

In other news, I returned to work yesterday and finished at 2.30pm today. Oh it was great too be back, back amongst the thick of it and keeping myself out of mischief. At least I could sit around watching the first leg of Arsenal v Barcelona while getting paid for doing so (Barcelona relaxed too much and should have hammered Arsenal). I had to get a 'OK to return to work' note from the doctor, and was praying he would say he couldn't give me one (that's another story), but unfortunately, the note was no problem. I never bothered getting a sick note for Tuesday either, so I used one days holiday when I could have got it back. Never mind, it was still marvellous to be off again last week. It was no trouble cycling to work, but coming back I had the bloody wind blowing directly at me and it is nearly all uphill. Christ my legs were aching by the time I managed to drag myself off the bike. I was cursing all the way home, but it's character building I suppose. Legs like tree trunks for the summer.
toodle pip

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