Friday 29 January 2010

kill your friends and moses roper

I finished both of these books today, and enjoyed them, but in completely different ways.
The Moses Roper one is exactly what it says on the cover, it's a narrative of his escape to freedom from Carolina, USA, in the 1830s, and boy, didn't it take some escaping (coupled with lots and lots of lashings).
It certainly makes you remember how cushy our lives are and how it was not that long ago when all this happened (the slave trade and mistreatment of the slaves).
Then again, our lives are no-where near as cushy as the life depicted in Kill Your Friends.
This is about a record company A and R man (Steven Stelfox), who has a well paid job, doing hardly any work, but sails along with nothing to guide him except for cocaine, prostitutes and drink. Nice job if you can get it.
The trouble is, he starts to fall apart, and murders ensure. A really dark and funny book, which pulls apart the record industry, gives lots of names for coke, and is based around the advent of Brit Pop (mentioning real people).
You would not like to have been in Moses Ropers shoes, but Steven Stelfox? Certainly would have been good for a lot of it (I won't say which bits).
toodle pip

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