Sunday 17 January 2010

everythings back to normal

The panic is over and the country (and my poor arse) can rest in peace. The pooing has stopped, as the Imodium has worked its magic. Nothing has passed my bottom since about 2pm yesterday and I am feeling fine. Not sure how fine I will feel once it wears off, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Listen out for the screams howling into the night, with the echo of the toilet to give it extra substinance, it will be me.
As things are back to normal , Nozzer has got a swollen cheek again, which means it's squeezing out the gunk and squirting liquid into the gap time. Nice.
He's fine and perky though, jumping up on the settee a lot and demanding attention. It's also a game of Russian Roulette when he scrabbles and bites your T shirt, as he gets carried away and bites your nipple. Pleasant at first, but now getting sore (but not as sore as my arse was).
toodle pip

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