Sunday 6 July 2008

lovely pool

What a great time l had last night. Down the local from about 4pm till 10pm, got very drunk and played pool for money all night. Won every game l played, so left the pub with the same amount of money l came out with. Only left because everyone refused to play for money or drinks any more. Excellent!
Also had a tosser in there saying he was voting for the BNP, as they are for the English and aren't racist, nothing against blacks, gays etc. Obviously l took him to task on this and it looked at one time as if he was going to get beaten up by some soldiers in there. Pity he didn't, l was all for it. People like him make the white working class look like idiots, bad for us all. l told everyone he was bisexual himself and had tried it on with me, just to wind him up and shut him up. probably why the soldiers wanted to kick him in, come to think of it. Nearly worked, better luck next time.
Toodle pip

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