Friday 29 February 2008

Why is life so crap ?

What a day - been consoling two people who have been having trouble in their workplaces. Both feel victimised and are losing their self confidence. Both crying, both wanting to quit work as they don't know who to trust or how to deal with it. Obviously there are worse things that could happen, but some people just have such crap lives. Not enjoying work, home life a mess, husbands they want to leave but no-where to go, crappy things happening to them when they were younger and nothing better on the horizon.

That's why people should make the best of life when they get the chance. l don't think we will get another go at it so enjoy what you can. lt could all end tomorrow and l for one would rather be jobless and homeless than stuck in the sort of shit lives they are leading ( although l didn't suggest that to them ). ln case you are wondering, l have been homeless before and although it was crap, it was better than what they have. Simple thoughts from a simple man. Toodle pip!

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