Friday 29 February 2008

Obsessive Hoarders

Just seen a programme about obsessive hoarders, featuring three men and one woman. One man kept thousands of bikes and bike parts and another even kept his own waste. All were loners with some mental problems ( l guess you'd have to have some to save your own waste! ). The most common aspect is relationships of whatever kind have broken down and the items become like friends or security blankets, where the interaction can be with them instead of other humans.

Thing is, it's such a fine line between becoming obsessive and just collecting things. l have thousands of cds, records, comics, books, dvds etc that l will never get round to playing/reading again. Some of the items l love and just like having around to look at ( although they are stored away for when l do want to look at them ). lt's easy to become way too attached to them and not bother going out. l enjoy my own company and can while away hours doing nothing special but love going out and there has to be a compromise between the two. Been talking about getting rid of some items recently, too much clutter, not enough room etc and the programme has shown me how l could end up if l don't do something soon. Time for a clear out! Toodle pip

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